It will now be up to employers to decide whether adult learners over the age of 19 when starting an apprenticeship will need to complete a Level 2 qualification (equivalent to a GCSE) in order to pass it, according to the government's statement.
The government's aim is to allow more earners to get on to an apprenticeship particularly in sectors where demand for staff is high, such as healthcare and construction. In addition, the minimum duration of an apprenticeship will be reduced to eight months, down from the current minimum of 12 months.
National Numeracy sets out its view on the changes to the apprenticeship requirements.
National Numeracy is the only charity in the UK dedicated to everyday maths and while we welcome the additional flexibility this change affords people who have struggled to attain the traditional qualifications, the need to ensure all learners have the numeracy to succeed at work in place remains.
We therefore urge employers to provide opportunities to develop the number confidence and numeracy skills that apprentices need in their work, and in life.
Here we set out our view on the changes to the apprenticeship requirements:
- We should ensure everyone has the numeracy skills and number confidence they will need, whatever job, profession or career they pursue.
- Lower maths attainment and number confidence are linked to greater negative career impact, which is a fundamental barrier to social mobility via earnings, career choices and progression.
- But we need more flexible ways to ensure people get the numeracy skills they need for work – and the confidence to use them - rather than a one-size-fits-all approach to qualification requirements.
- The one-size-fits-all approach is often a significant and unnecessary barrier, and can put people off maths for life, which limits their opportunities and career choices.
- This week's change in policy provides greater flexibility by putting more faith in employers to decide what is appropriate.
- But it is crucial that, despite this change in policy, employers and apprenticeships providers continue to ensure apprentices develop the numeracy skills and number confidence that they will need to be successful.
- These crucial skills are brought together in National Numeracy’s ‘Essentials of Numeracy’ - a set of maths skills needed for work and everyday life, which anyone can work towards via our National Numeracy Challenge website, and which can be used by employers and providers to support apprentices.
- There is a compelling opportunity here for apprentices to get confident with the numbers and maths genuinely needed in their jobs and everyday life, which is not always the case with our current qualifications. And for employers, having staff who understand and can work with numbers specific to their roles could be a real boon.
Employers: get in touch
If you are an employer and would like to know more about how to work with us on numeracy for your workforce, please get in touch with Sally Hilton, National Relationships Manager:
Photograph: Mikhail Nilov