Supporting your staff
Investing in numeracy can increase staff confidence, retention and internal progression.
Training and Workshops
For learners
We have worked with thousands of adults – many of whom had a real fear of maths – and helped them progress in their careers. We’ve worked with unions and the NHS to deliver this training across the country. This can be done in person or remotely. Here are just a few quotes from learners:
"The workshop has given me the courage to put in the effort"
"I enjoyed the numeracy session much more than I expected. It made me think that I can tackle my problem with maths"
"Thank you for making me feel less inadequate"
For mentors
We can also help to train Numeracy Champions who can provide support and mentor staff, attitudinal workshops for anxious learners and unique employer access to the National Numeracy Challenge, so that you can monitor your staff’s progress.

Insight and support
Find out how numerate your workplace is, and support everyone to get confident with numbers.
Our offers:
Challenge Tracker
Asses numeracy confidence and skills within your workforce online, work towards an agreed level of numeracy, and access beautifully visualised data in real-time with our Challenge Tracker.
Numeracy review
Review attitudes and behaviours towards numbers within your workplace, with an organisation wide Numeracy Review.
A bespoke campaign
Help everyone on your team to see good numeracy as something within their grasp.
Let us provide comprehensive support to help you change attitudes, and improve numeracy levels across your workplace.
What’s involved?
Use a mixture of face to face and online tools to turn around the attitudes and approach to numeracy in your workplace. Gain in-depth insights and strategies for support and development.
Benchmark. We often start the process with a Numeracy Review to help you understand existing levels within your business, and find out how improved numeracy could support productivity, staff progression and confidence.
Change attitudes. Once you have unpicked the barriers in terms of maths ability and mindset, you can get the right support in place for your team. We will advise you on how to put support in place which is tailored for your organisation.
Help to improve. This can be done quickly and easily using our resources. Four out of five people who re-check to see whether they have the Essentials of Numeracy improve their numeracy level.
There are a number of ways a bespoke campaign can be implemented to suit you:
Training for Trainers – a course to equip staff to understand how to support your team develop the right mindset to improve
Recruitment and induction – find out whether your new starters have got the numeracy skills they need,and help them get there using our resources
Learning and development - embed a numeracy module into your existing staff training
These will combine tailored elements of the digital package (see above), in a combination of face to face and digital support
All of the support tools in the digital package can be included in a bespoke package.
Want to talk to us?
We’d love to hear from you! Find out more about how we could work with your organisation.