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Number Confidence Week impact: Gender and numeracy

19 Dec 2024

The fifth Number Confidence Week inspired almost double the number of actions than last year's campaign, as outlined in a new impact report.

Front cover of the Number Confidence Week 2024 Impact Report

Tackling the 'number confidence gender gap'

This year, Number Confidence Week addressed the ‘number confidence gender gap’, focusing on the barriers women and girls often face regarding number confidence. All too often women face negative stereotypes suggesting that they are not ‘good with numbers’.

Our first ever themed campaign - shining a spotlight on gender and numeracy - inspired almost double the number of actions compared to last year. Highlighting that numeracy is an equality issue obviously resonated very strongly with our beneficiaries.

Our research shows that women tend to have lower number confidence than men and this has far reaching consequences that must be addressed.

By sharing real stories, providing tailored resources, and sparking open conversations, the campaign empowered more women to recognise their potential and take meaningful steps towards improving their numeracy skills.

This year's campaign, which has been run with Founding Supporter TP ICAP since 2020,  not only raised awareness but also inspired action, ensuring that everyone, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive with numbers.

Read the report

The positive impact of our campaign

Since 2020, the campaign has empowered over 450,000 people to take action towards building their confidence with numbers.

This year alone, 193,067 actions were taken towards improving number confidence. Stellar media coverage reached over 62 million people across 35 print, online and broadcast mentions. Find out more about the impact of the campaign in the impact report.

The schools, colleges, organisations and individuals that supported the campaign, who were surveyed, said:

  • 98% effective in our aim of inspiring adults and children to improve their number confidence and skills
  • 98% would recommend the Number Confidence Week campaign to a friend or colleague
  • 63% have more awareness of the ways numbers are used in daily life
  • 43% feel more prepared to use numbers in daily life

Research shows that women are twice as anxious about maths as men, affecting their everyday lives from managing their household budgets to career choices and supporting children. 

But, crucially, this barrier can be overcome, and our campaign took bold steps to empower positive change. At the heart of Number Confidence Week 2024 were the real stories of individuals overcoming their anxieties and building confidence with numbers.  Read more about those stories in the report.

Denise Welch shares her story

Denise Welch, TV star and National Numeracy’s new ambassador, played a pivotal role in drawing attention to the campaign.  

Denise’s personal experience with maths anxiety struck a chord with women across the UK, leading to widespread media coverage in publications like The Mirror, the Express, The People and OK! magazine.

Denise Welch

Inspiring girls about maths and numbers in schools

This year’s Number Confidence Week supported teachers and educators to work with children  - and parents - who are less confident with numbers. Research shows girls often have lower confidence in maths than boys, despite similar or better early results. Addressing this confidence gap early by fostering a positive, inclusive environment for numeracy is crucial to ensuring all children feel capable of excelling in maths and beyond.

For the first time, female volunteers from leading organisations across the UK joined forces to visit schools together and inspire girls by showcasing the real-world value of numeracy.  

Support from the Secretary of State for Education

We were honoured to have the support of the Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities, Bridget Phillipson, who highlighted the importance of addressing gender disparities in numeracy at our Parliamentary Reception hosted by DLA Piper and Lord Blunkett.

The Secretary of State said: "As well as being the Secretary of State for Education, which is such a privilege, I also lead our work as Minister for Women and Equalities as well. And there is so much more we need to do on that front too, because let’s be honest, we know that it’s often women and girls who find this a particular challenge and lack confidence early on. We’ve got to do a lot more to tackle that to make sure that everyone in our country has the chance and the confidence to succeed."

Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson

Our partnerships driving change

The campaign's Founding Supporter TP ICAP and Lead Supporters Barclays LifeSkills, Capital One, Experian, EY, The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and Vanquis Banking Group played a crucial role in driving the success of Number Confidence Week 2024. 

From mobilising volunteers, engaging with schools, to raising awareness through thought leadership and storytelling, these organisations demonstrated the power of partnerships in fostering a number-positive culture, encouraging thousands to take action, and create lasting change.  

Phillip Price, Executive Director of TP ICAP, Founding Supporter of Number Confidence Week, said:  

“At TP ICAP, we believe numeracy is a vital skill in today’s world. Confidence with numbers is not only essential for success in our industry but also a critical skill for making informed decisions about personal finances and careers. Yet, low confidence with numbers continues to be a pervasive challenge, with women disproportionately impacted by maths anxiety. This gender divide affects everyday life and deters many talented individuals from pursuing opportunities in financial services.  

“As a founding partner of Number Confidence Week, TP ICAP are proud to champion initiatives that spotlight this disparity, promote confidence-building, and inspire individuals to build their confidence with numbers. By supporting these efforts, we strive to empower people from all backgrounds, fostering financial literacy, and ensuring our sector attracts and benefits from a diverse and talented workforce essential to our collective success.”

Sam Sims, Chief Executive of National Numeracy said:  

"This year’s Number Confidence Week focused on gender and numeracy, aligning with the first pillar of our new strategy: Numeracy for Equality. By addressing lower levels of number confidence amongst women, the campaign highlighted how improving numeracy can drive social mobility and gender equality.

“As always, a heartfelt thank you to the campaign’s Founding Supporter, TP ICAP; Lead Supporters Barclays LifeSkills, Capital One, Experian, EY, The Lord Mayor’s Appeal, and Vanquis Banking Group; and all those individuals and communities who got involved with this high-impact campaign and helped make it a resounding success.”